

For the people who are in vulnerable situations the access to products which are necessary for a decent living is hard. The Food Bank is a solidarity initiative that aims to help those among us who are most unfortunate, gathering such products and carrying them where they are needed.

This year Igienol participated in this action with a donation of approximatively 78 000 Euro, specifically 35 856 Igienol antibacterial hand gels. And we will continue to get involved in order to support the disfavoured communities and to offer everybody the chance to a normal and dignified life.

True joy cannot stay on a shelf and it never gets bored.

Sometimes you find it in a box full of dust and you build it piece by piece

Enjoy it to the full because nothing can stay in your way, not even bacteria.

Igienol disinfects any surface, eliminating the viruses and bacteria, including H1N1 and E-coli.

Igienol. Disinfecting without chlorine, childhood without worries.